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About us
The tremendous suffering which was inflicted upon the Jewish people over centuries has caused an almost insuperable gap between Christians, Jews, Germans and Israelis.
Since we are especially as Christians associated to Judaism and as Germans in particular obligated we consider it as assignment from God to build bridges to the Jewish people and to promote the Christian-Jewish dialogue by an applied ministry of reconciliation.
On a supra-denominational basis young Christians between 18 and 30 work since 1975 in Kibbuzim and alternatively in social organisations to care for old, sick and handicapped people.
Thereby bridges of understanding are built and signs of love set in a very concrete manner, but also ignorance, prejudices and misunderstandings are reduced and overcome.
Although the postwar generation is not liable for what has happened in Germany between 1933 and 1945, but surely has the responsibility that history will not repeat itself. In this spirit building bridges means building future!
In Jerusalem our staff members prepare and are in charge of our volunteers and of those who render the alternative service.
Important components of the 6 to 12 month lasting service are weekly group gatherings, lectures, weekend seminars as well as excursions throughout the country. Assignments respectively start in February, May, August and November.
Studying the Hebrew language, dealing with the German and the Jewish history as well as the insight that solidarity with Israel does not imply being against the Arab people are belonging to the preparation. The own attitude has to be reconsidered and redetermined again and again, always based on the word of God. This applies also to the salvific history of Israel, „… it is not you who support the root, but the root supports you.“ (Romans 11,18)
Dienste in Israel rely on prayer and financial support from many individuals, but also churches and congregations throughout Germany. It is our pleasure to introduce on-site the concern and the work of Dienste in Israel.
Dienste in Israel is a branch of the Diakoniewerk Kirchröder Turm e.V. and is exclusively financed through donations.